Toxicity Evaluation and Tissue Damaging Effects of Cadmium in Labeo rohita
Toxicity and Tissue Damage of Cadmium in Labeo rohita
Comet Assay, Bioaccumulation, Cadmium, Heavy Metals, Labeo rohitaAbstract
Heavy metals are polluting the freshwater ecosystems with hazardous impacts on aquatic animals especially fish. Considerable amounts of Cadmium (Cd) in aquatic ecosystems are posing a serious threat to sustainable growth of aquaculture industry. Objective: To investigate acute toxicity of Cd (96-hour LC50 and lethal concentrations) was determined by utilizing probit analysis method for the freshwater fish Labeo rohita. Methods: Different organs of fish (liver, gills and muscles) were also analyzed for accumulation of Cd by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Results: Acute toxicity of Cd (96-hour LC50) for Labeo rohita was calculated as 159.59 mg/L. Bioaccumulation of Cd in different tissues of fish was examined in the following order liver>gills> muscles. Comet assay was performed for the evaluation of DNA damage by different sub-lethal doses (1/2, 1/3, 1/4 of LC50) of Cd. Conclusions: This research will aid in control of heavy metals contamination and conservation of fish species Labeo rohita in natural aquatic habitats of Pakistan.
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